The World is Around You, but You are in Your Car
A novel that brings history's great philosophers back to life for one week to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to share their concerns about an American problem—a healthy ambition to get what we want has devolved into a relentless pursuit of a perfect life, with its over-the-top selfishness and lack of self-restraint that leads us to do whatever it takes to get what we want while disregarding the harm caused. The result is a casual disposal of people or moral principles if these should obstruct the path to the perfect life; mental depression from the strains of struggling to keep up with the neighbors; absence of a real team mission and genuine camaraderie; and aloofness from reality as we become more and more comfortable in our plush living rooms and cars, unaware of or apathetic to what is going on outside. According to the philosophers, these things obstruct progress to a better world.
The philosophers put on an exhibit and chat with people on the street. Karl Marx shops for souvenirs, Socrates plays the lottery, and Plato and Kierkegaard bicycle to the ocean. They discuss ways to restrain the destructive behavior, agreeing that individual self-regulation is more effective and desired than external regulation because of its greater conduciveness to freedom. Their goal is to persuade Americans to emphasize self-restraint more than ever so that the "freedom experiment" has a better chance of succeeding.
Yes, You Are Home
A space traveler with an extended lifespan from a distant galaxy finds herself stranded here, unable to return home. She becomes an eyewitness to the creation and subsequent history of Earth.
From her detailed memoir and extensive film footage, we observe a harsh, rugged, precarious, and often unforgiving landscape that is continually rearranged by powerful forces such as asteroids, earthquakes, wind, and rain. We witness the initially lifeless terrain begin to fill with primitive life-forms that gradually evolve. In time, we watch plants grow and spread, and see dinosaurs come and go. We experience the daily routines of a group of prehumans, and later behold the emergence of humans and their ensuing discoveries, achievements, and search for the “right way to live.”
As we journey through this vast span of time, we can’t help but come to an awareness of an unmistakable oneness that links all that ever existed, and this, the space traveler writes, may bring us closer together and get us to a better world.
Snapshot: Ship's Dentists
It's not just a job. It's an adventure. This book is a snapshot of an adventure in the United States Navy Dental Corps. Through the author’s unadorned, straightforward narrative, you will be introduced to a nautical and military culture that has its own language and rich traditions. You will treat patients at the world's largest naval base. You will go to sea aboard an aircraft carrier, travel to exotic foreign shores, spend time in a shipyard, and board a Soviet warship during the Cold War. You will find camaraderie and patriotism, and a love of and fascination with the sea.